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Honors Program
Course Description

Honors Program: A pathway to excellence.

HON 101/401 Religion, Ethics, and Politics

Objectives: The course will provide an in-depth understandings of ethical foundations, along with historical, sociological, and theological dimensions of major world religions. The course will focus on both similarities and differences among major world religions including Christianity (both Protestant and Catholic), Judaism, Islam, Buiddhism, Hindusim, Sikhism, and New Age Movements.

The course will provide hands-on practical discussion of ethical and moral principles and practices as underlying forces in shaping core values of democratic capitalism and other economic systems in North America, Europe, Mexico, China, India, selected Asian countries, Middle East, Israel, Russia, and selected African countries.

Implications will be drawn for students preparing for teaching certificates, as well as those in business and environmental sciences. A special feature of the course will be to include the role of ethics in the emerging Internet economy.

This course will be centered around creating a learning environment that encourages students to develop their skills in creative brainstorming, facilitated discussion, and hands-on field study projects in selected religious communities.

HON 101/401 Religion, Ethics, and Politics is available for either lower or upper division credit.

Substitutions: Possible course substitutions (subject to departmental approval): BUS 364

Instructor: Dr. Jim Sethi

Time: Fall 2007, Block 4, 12-3pm

Prerequisite: none

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